ディサシさんからの手紙 (2024.1.1)

Dear Fukuyama sensei,

Happy New Year to you and to all your family.




I am so glad to finally seat down and write to you. 

After my message written on board from the highway bus between Kumamoto and Osaka, I was no longer able to write to you calmly. It has been an extremely busy time since I left Japan after my short stay of almost two weeks. I had too many requests, every day in the professional, hospital or academic environment. I felt more and more saddened by not having any free time to talk with you.

I really missed not communicating with you after the wonderful time spent at your home, meeting wonderful people, and having a list of wonders God did for me while staying at your home. Thank you so much for all the blessings while I was staying with you.

For the first time, I resolved to have a vacation. To withdraw a little from the University offices or from hospital consultations. I am therefore at home for a week, even if work continues in a more discreet form.  

I can enjoy remembering the wonderful time I had in your place: the moment of arrival at night at the denshadori terminal in Kengun_machi, just like the moment of departure at Kencho_mae station in the evening; the moments of departure or welcome when I traveled to Nagasaki or to Oita, the meals warmly shared at home or in the restaurant including the automated sushi restaurant, the meeting at the Kumamoto international center followed by a lunch with Dr Hayano, Ms Kamizono and Ms Shirano who had honored us by coming with her parents, the visit from the Dr Hashiguchi family, the visits from the Dr Hayano family,  the important financial support actions in favor of the hospital with the members of Kumamoto and Omuta.. I came home fulfilled. I can summarize my recent stay in your place from the text of the bible マタイによる福音書 25:35


 I’m dreaming to have an opportunity to invite you, your husband and other supportive members to share a dinner too.  While waiting for the fulfillment of this dream, I pray to the Lord God that he gives you strong health, that he fills you with blessings and that he gives you long happy days.

Appreciatively yours,
