ディサシさんからの手紙 (2017.10.27)
Dear Fukuyama-sensei,
I hope this mail finds you well with all your family.
The weather is hot and rainy here, whereas it's rather cool in Kumamoto.
I am paying special attention to the weather because I have got an invitation for a research meeting with Oita University.
The meeting is going to be held in Yufu city from november 30 to December2, 2017.
As soon as the meeting is over, I would like to visit you in Kumamoto city for a couple of days before going back to DRC.
It's going to be an opportunity to conclude with some pending files.
I visited the Website of Action for Health and Education and I was glad to find the power-point file reporting the arrival of the Spotchem Analyzer in Mbuji-Mayi.
Please convey my best regards to all your family.
Sincerely yours,