ディサシさんからの手紙 (2020.6.15)

Dear Fukuyama-sensei,

I hope you are doing well in this context of global health crisis, and that Megumi-san is also doing well in the United States. God grace us and we are well.

Following the Covid-19 pandemic, universities have been closed since mid-March, although in Mbuji-Mayi, there have been no reported cases of covid-19. My activities are mainly medical. However, hospital attendance in urban areas has decreased. There is a certain fear of going to hospitals in the city so as not to be contaminated, but the reduction in economic activities is also a factor in reducing this attendance at hospitals.For the past few weeks, I have also been working in rural hospitals, to supervise general practitioners who work in Internal Medicine. The rural environment is obviously not worried.

I am thinking of preparing an order for ECG paper that I will send you very soon.Please convey our best regards to your husband, family and friends who have always given us their kind attention.Take care of yourself.

Sincerely yours,
